Virtual Tour

Infants & Toddlers (ages 2 weeks - 36 months)

Home to our Baby Chicks, Penguins, Parrots and Peacocks, our unconventional, open layout provides a variety of benefits to our children and staff. Not only can the children see "what's next" and get excited to join the children in the next class up, they also get to know all of our teachers, which makes the transition to the next class easier.


Preschool (ages 3-5 years)

Our Starlings enjoy a learning environment that consists of well-planned learning centers that allow for child choice and self-directed play, small groups and supportive teaching that prepare children for academic excellence.


Space to Play & Create (all ages)

In addition to our outdoor playground, KTK provides indoor multi-purpose play space for our children, allowing them valuable time out of their regular classrooms to do large motor activities and art projects.